Friday, June 17, 2011

Maffick Monday #1

Hey guys,

So this is the very first prompt from Maffick Monday! Every Monday (or Sunday night) I will post something from one of three categories (setting, character, and plot). I will draw the idea from a little pink box so it will always be random and not necessarily a different category each week. Just complete randomness. You can create whatever you like with it: character sketch, song, interview, story, poem...whatever. Just get writing. And then come and post it here.

And please link back to Maffick Monday and don't forget to read and comment on other people's work.

I am posting this one today because I'll be out camping for the next couple of days.

So, here's the first prompt....

Write about a terrible dancer.


  1. Hello Alicia. This is going to be a great blog and I look forward to your future prompts. And LOOK AT THAT! I'm first on something for the first time ever! I came upon your maffickmonday blog via your entry on Magipe Tales this week.

  2. Ada Trellis is obviously watching your every move, Doctor FTSE - Just remember, I have my beady eye on you both!

    Hope you don't mind my dancing to the beat with you Alicia, in this new Prompt Palais de Dance...

  3. This looks fun - thank you, Cad, for pointing it out;-)

  4. Wow thanks guys! This means a lot to me. I never thought I'd get one person never mind three on the first day. Smiles all around.

  5. I think your early birds have helped spread the word for you Alicia! They certainly inspired me to join in! LOL.

  6. Looks like this will be fun. Hope I've kept to the prompt well enough... It's more a message to a bad dancer.

    By the way you need to open your messages up to everyone via the settings. I made that mistake on my own blog until someone sent me an email instead letting me know.

  7. Oh, okay thanks I'll do that! Haha, yeah I'm not terribly great with tech stuff. And thanks for taking part guys.

  8. The comment problem should be fixed now. If not then please let me know.

  9. It wasn't for me it was aimed at the fact that wordpress etc couldn't comment on mine or just random people.

    It seems to be - I can write my name/url over the comment rather than have to put andymac89.

  10. Yeah, I understand. And I appreciate you letting me know so everyone can comment if they like. I appreciate all comments that will make this blog better.

  11. just find this through a blog which led me to your blog which led me here. not sure I'll be able to write something but I like your prompt idea

    hope you are having a lovely day.
